Your asking how am I doing, I am doing very well. I listen to the download every day, my blood pressure has already dropped forty
Your asking how am I doing, I am doing very well. I listen to the download every day, my blood pressure has already dropped forty and I am very happy with that. I also love being able to feel such a calm feeling in my body, even though I didn’t feel like I had tension. But now I do feel a lot of difference.
I would like to know if I could just continue with it. Because I would like the blood pressure to drop even more. Also, since October we have been taking green smoothies in the morning *) about a liter pp per day, very healthy and very tasty. *) more info: Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko
Kind regards,
I would like to know if I could just continue with it. Because I would like the blood pressure to drop even more. Also, since October we have been taking green smoothies in the morning *) about a liter pp per day, very healthy and very tasty. *) more info: Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko
Kind regards,
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