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What are Night Sessions?

What are Night Sessions?

As an innovative company, we like to listen to our clients. We regularly receive feedback from people who find it difficult to set aside an hour at regular times to listen to a hypnotherapy session without interruptions.

Listening to a session more than once is just too much for some people. Busy work, family life, social obligations, there are a ton of reasons why listening to a session in a relaxed way just doesn't work.

To help this group of people, Multiliminal has developed something new, so that people with little or no time during the day can still benefit from our powerful sessions: the Night Session.

Where do we find the time?

The huge success of our "Binaurals" was a great first step and it's still a major improvement to the standard hypnotherapy sessions. But it also revealed a need for multiple ways to improve your subconscious thought patterns and behaviors.

The thing is that many people want sessions to be faster, and at the same time, they miss the relaxing effect of the hypnosis session.

The idea

As we always continue to think about how we can help people in as many ways as possible, we came up with the idea of using the time that is used to relax for this purpose anyway. Namely, the time we spend sleeping.

Even when you sleep, hypnosis still has an effect and your subconscious mind will pick up every word that is said. We know this from our own experience and from scientific research.

So why not make purposeful use of the time that you sleep? On average, we sleep about 6 to 8 hours a night anyway, time we don't use in any other way.

What is a Night Session?

This idea eventually resulted in a new type of session: the 'Night Session'. This can be taken quite literally, they are sessions that you put on at night when you go to sleep.

They begin with a normal introduction and induction (putting yourself under hypnosis), then the actual session, is repeated eight to ten times.

Normally after the session there is a 'deduction', bringing you out of hypnosis, but this is not necessary in the 'Night Session'. The result is that after the session you sleep further and you wake up at the normal time, either from yourself or from the alarm clock.

The benefits

The advantages of a 'Night Session' is that it doesn't cost you any extra time during the day. In just one night your subconscious mind hears the session eight to ten times, so the effect is even faster and deeper. And all that while you don't notice anything of it, because you are in a deep sleep.

Can you use this without a hypnosis session?

You can get excellent results with a 'Night Session' without the separate hypnotherapy session, since it is actually a modified version of the hypnotherapy session itself.

Nevertheless, a number of our testers indicated that they did enjoy doing the regular hypnotherapy session during the day from time to time as well, especially if you are just beginning your session.

However, it is not necessary. Great results are also achieved with just the 'Night Sessions'.

How do I actually use a Night Session?

A 'Night Session' takes much longer than a regular hypnotherapy session, so you really only start a 'Night Session' when you go to sleep.

The session helps you fall into a wonderful deeply satisfying sleep.

The session continues as usual and is repeated several times until it's finished. It is not possible to say exactly how long a 'Night Session' lasts, because the different sessions can vary quite a bit in terms of time.

The playback time is on average between 4 and 6 hours. So it is long enough to just sleep a night and make the most of your sleep time.

Depending on your situation, whether you sleep alone or with a partner, whether you both want to work on a particular thing or whether you want to listen to a session just for yourself, you can choose to listen to the 'Night Sessions' with earbuds or through the speakers of a stereo set.

In any case, adjust the volume so that you can just hear Michel's voice when you're lying on one ear.

If you turn on your other side and miss a few words, that's no problem at all because everything is repeated many times so that your subconscious really does get everything.

You are using your sleep time DOUBLE!

In this way you use the time that you are completely relaxed in your bed to sleep twice! And because of the special sleep induction at the beginning of the session you will start your sleep much more relaxed.

While it is fair to say that it may take some getting used to at first, to go to sleep while being "talked to", it is important to note that the quality of your sleep will simply remain intact and may even improve, because of the powerful sleep instructions you will receive.

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Insomnia is something strange. Something that’s supposed to be natural (sleeping) didn’t work anymore. I was tired during the day and thought I would definitely



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