How does this work?
I did the program reverse the aging process for the first time. What I notice so far is that within the fourth download (rejuvenating energy)
I did the program reverse the aging process for the first time. What I notice so far is that within the fourth download (rejuvenating energy) I felt my childhood energy for the first time as an adult.
It is a different energy than the one we know as adults. A child running, almost floating. Awesome! I will definitely keep you posted.
It is a different energy than the one we know as adults. A child running, almost floating. Awesome! I will definitely keep you posted.
- Addictions
- Anti Aging
- Bad Habits
- Business Skills
- Communication Skills
- Creativity
- Difficult People
- Depression
- Disease
- Eating Habits
- Emotional Intelligence
- Enjoy Life
- Fears and Phobias
- Financial Skills
- Job Skills
- Learning Skills
- Love & Relationships
- Meditation
- Mental Health
- Motivation & Inspiration
- Mourning & Loss
- Pain Relief
- Parenting Skills
- Personal Development
- Physical Health
- Productivity
- Relaxation
- Self-Confidence
- Self-Improvement
- Self-Respect
- Senses
- Sexuality
- Sleep Problems
- Social Anxiety
- Social Skills
- Spirituality
- Sports Performance
- Stress Management
- Thinking Skills
- Weight Control
- Women Only