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What is hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis. So what is hypnosis? Well, hypnosis is a state of consciousness that you know well and experience at least twice (but usually much more often) a day.

When you are watching a movie closely, or are submerged in a book, or when you are in between sleeping and waking, or are daydreaming, your brain is in exactly the same state of consciousness that is also known as hypnosis.

Familiar phenomenon

So hypnosis is a familiar phenomenon to everyone. And for that reason hypnosis also feels very natural and familiar.

As a matter of fact, hypnosis is just a fancy word for a state of mind that is pure natural. There is really nothing strange about it.

This state of mind is also called the alpha state and this is measurable through an E.E.G. where brain activity is measured.

Your subconscious mind

During hypnosis, the positive suggestions you hear (this is the therapeutic part) can find their way directly into your subconscious mind. If this is done several times, your subconscious accepts these suggestions and automatically starts acting on them.

In this way, it is very simple to get rid of an unwanted habit, create a new positive habit, cure from a disease, remove allergies from your system, become super self-confident, lose weight, get rid of an addiction, create a rich money mindset to attract more money, and so much more.

There are thousands of other applications with which you can improve yourself tremendously and quickly. That's why we offer many hundreds of titles at Multiliminal.

Strong effect

Hypnosis allows you to learn in a way that is often not possible in an ordinary way. That is why the effect of hypnosis is so strong.

With an MP3 hypnosis session, which you can download and play at home (or at a place of your own choosing), you are temporarily put into a daydream-like state. You hear my voice all the time telling you certain things. These are special suggestions that help you reach your goal. And after about 45 minutes to an hour the session is over.

Then you open your eyes and continue your day, or if you wish so, go to sleep. Whatever you want.

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