Comparing yourself to others. We all do it. Sometimes it’s a good thing, but most of the time it’s not. It can become an issue especially when you bring yourself down, because the person you are comparing yourself to has something that you do not.
They are comparisons that confirm that somehow you don’t have something. It is a lack of something. And that “something” can be anything. “She is slimmer than I am”, “He is more successful than I am”…. And by focusing on the lack, you only get more of it. And that’s exactly what you don’t want.
Yet comparing yourself to others is a big problem for many people. It brings nothing good and in the end it only makes you feel more unhappy.
False comparison
If you compare yourself with someone else, it is almost always a false comparison. You are comparing apples and oranges. Usually you are comparing a bad quality of yourself with a good quality of another.
If someone grew up in a well-off family, then in all likelihood he or she has fewer financial worries than someone who grew up in a poor situation.
But that does not mean that that “richer” person is also a better person, or is better at anything. So the comparison usually goes awry very quickly.
Social media makes it worse
With the rise of Facebook, Twitter, Facetime, Instagram and other social media, the problem has become worse than ever. Never before have we been so surrounded by the perfect pictures of what we are interested in.
If you are interested in makeup and beauty, and you express that on social media, by following people, giving out likes, and so on, you are targeted with pictures and videos of perfect beautiful people who have an otherworldly beauty with makeup.
If you’re interested in success, then you’re quickly flooded on social media with people and ads of people who are mega-successful and have made it all the way.
And so that compounds the problem.
These other people have it all: the money, the beauty, the fast cars, the fantastic careers, the glamorous life… And the message is clear: You want that too!
You want to be like that too! And because you do not have that, it is logical that you feel less than the other who has it all (done).
What comparing yourself is good for
There is one exception, where comparing yourself can be useful and meaningful In fact, it reveals what your actual desire is. And that should be the end of it, because feeling less than the perfect other does not help you. In fact, it works against you.
Negative habit
Because comparing yourself to someone else very quickly becomes an annoying habit, it is not easy to break this habit. Habits are programming in your subconscious, and to break them you will have to work at that same subconscious level.
Therefore, the session “Don’t compare yourself to another” is an excellent and quick way to escape from this negative spiral. It gives you the mental peace and freedom to dissolve the constant pressure in your mind of comparing yourself and feeling less.
You learn to look through the hype and photoshopped images and you start to see that comparing yourself is a false dream.
It is better to take a picture in your mind of what you yourself want to achieve, and then take the necessary action to actually achieve it. This is better than running after or worshipping others.
Download the session ‘Don’t compare yourself to another‘ now and notice that you will soon feel a lot stronger and especially more confident.