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How do You Create a Better World? Here Are 7 Tips (Plus a FREE Gift) to do it!

A Better World. Who doesn’t want that? Some people say that they feel that life has become meaningless because the world is full of evil and calamity. When you say there are good things too, people often look at you as if you are saying something crazy.

“Look around you! Look at the idiotic measures that don’t make any sense. And look at the corrupt governments worldwide and what they are all up to. The climate hoax, the pandemic hoax, the ‘Great Reset’…”

They then openly wonder if you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years and if you ever follow the news.

The reason people see the world as a bad place is that they have been brainwashed with negative news coming from the mainstream media. The news bombards you with negativity, 24/7.

You see, read and hear how people suffer immensely and how evil triumphs. You see natural disasters such as hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, and fires. And you are confronted with human evil in the form of murder and manslaughter, rape, fraud, and other criminal acts.

Negativity Everywhere?

Based on the continuing stream of negativity, it is easy to develop the view that negativity is everywhere and that the world is (has become) a very bad place.

It is important, then, to keep in mind that the mainstream media almost always presents an extremely distorted view of the world. Their reporting is not only taken out of context, it is often exaggerated and even made up. They lie like crazy.

The mainstream media have therefore become the largest source of fake news and they blindly follow what politicians tell them to do.

As a result, these mainstream media rarely show good news. They focus almost exclusively on wrongdoing, evil, and misery. And in doing so, they give people a radically wrong picture of what the world is really like.

For example, an increase in crime gets much more attention than a decrease in crime. The fact that hardly any people end up in ICUs as a result of ‘Corona’ is not mentioned in the media, while the ‘news’ is dominated by reports on how ‘dangerous’ it is if people do not allow themselves to be injected with an experimental mRNA shot.

Extreme Censorship

Not only are newspapers and TV censoring, but extreme censorship is taking place online as well. Big Tech dances to the tune of their bosses. Positive posts are deleted and negative news is seen everywhere.

And it’s not the Google and other social media CEOs who determine that. They are merely puppets. When you extend the lines, it’s the underlying banks and governments that dance to the tune of large corporations, which in turn are ultimately owned by the rich of the world. In fact, they determine how you and I see the world.

And that’s what it’s all about. How people see the world!

You Create YOUR Better World

How you see the world is very different from how the world really is. And when you see the world as a bad place, you logically feel less good, than when you see the world as a great place. So it is a matter of perception!

In addition, you can do the necessary to make your world more beautiful and better. Below are 7 tips that you can put into practice every day:

  1. Let your loved ones know often that you love them, and express this in as many words as possible
  2. Smile at people, even if you don’t know them (without a mask, of course!)
  3. Let people know you appreciate them, give them recognition
  4. Be attentive and helpful, also (or maybe just) to strangers
  5. Do not make a mess, and clean up, even if it is other people’s trash that you come across on the street or in parks.
  6. Pass on the knowledge you have, help people around you to learn new things

Don’t Do It Alone, Let’s Work Together!

Once you choose to adjust your worldview in a positive way and put the above tips into practice, it will not only affect yourself but also your fellow man. It is an energetic effect that is highly contagious. (And that’s a good thing!)

To enhance this energetic effect, we have created the Seventh tip: use meditation and visualization daily.

This will not only improve your view of the world but it actually helps to create a better world for all mankind!

For some people meditating is not so easy, it can be that your thoughts fly from one place to another and that you can’t make them quiet(er).

To help you create a better world around you, we have developed a short guided meditation. You can download this ‘Better World’ meditation completely free of charge. After downloading, you can play it on any smartphone, tablet, and/or mp3 player or computer.

This meditation takes about 17 minutes and helps you feel more positive about the world you live in.

You start to feel better and you start to radiate this positive energy. The more people do this meditation regularly, the more powerful the effect becomes. You are going to feel better and more positive!

And as a result, you arm yourself against the negativity that is fired at us, so that it has less and less influence on you.

You can get this meditation completely free. To download, click the green button below this blog.

It’s more important now than ever. Please share this post on your social media, or direct people to this page, so that as many people as possible use this positive meditation.

Together we can make more of a difference than individually. And it works! You are going to feel better, and the more people who participate in this meditation, the stronger the effect will be on all of us! Ultimately, this will help in realizing a better world.

Download this FREE meditation now

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