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Michel Lejeune

Who is Michel Lejeune?

Hi, I’m Michel Lejeune. Here I will tell you a bit about myself, what drove me to become a clinical hypnotherapist to help thousands of people worldwide, and more…

It all started a long time ago, when I was about 10 years old, I lived with my mother in a small apartment in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Yeah, I’m Dutch). We had a black and white TV, with 6 of those round stick-out buttons on the right side, which you had to press down deeply to choose a channel.

And one day a hypnosis show came on TV. I remember well that the broadcast was announced a week in advance. There was a warning that you could not participate and the beginning of the broadcast, in which people would be put under hypnosis, was deliberately omitted.

That was soooooo exciting. Especially for me as a 10 year old kid.

The show started and after a few minutes I saw people clucking like chickens across the stage and doing other weird things. Eating a lemon while they liked it and thought it was a sweet orange and more.

I thought it was fantastic, just not the things those people were doing there. No, I wanted to know what was happening to those people. How could this happen? What exactly is hypnosis?

I told my mother that when I was older, I wanted to be a hypnotist too. Well, that’s how it goes with kids, right?

But unless most other kids, I didn’t forget about it. What I had seen was sticking and the next day I had persuaded my mother to go to the library with me for books on hypnosis.

I found them, only it didn’t make me much wiser. It was more dismissed as a gift that someone has. Something that you couldn’t learn and it was just impossible. Apparently that was how people thought of hypnosis at the time.

It went bad

I grew up further, we moved to another town and at one point things things didn’t go so well for me anymore. I was living on my own and got into trouble. I got involved with the wrong friends, so to speak.

And at one point I felt completely stuck, saw no way out, and ended up with Mr. IJsvogels, a social worker.

At one point he told me to lie down for a relaxation exercise on a thick mat, one of those you see on the floor in gyms. He put on soft music and began to tell a story about a beach and the sea and before I knew it, half an hour had passed and I was awake again.

What, did this take half an hour? I was just lying down! It felt like 2 or 3 minutes.

Whatever the case, it was an amazing experience. After a few more conversations with Mr. IJsvogels, I realized that this was hypnosis and I remembered that TV show and the books from before. Unbelievable!

I felt strong and confident. I had gained an inner strength and self-confidence. I suddenly had the guts to kick those so-called “friends” out of the door.  And I wanted to help people. I wanted to do some good, instead of doing nothing all day. Because the feeling of being able to help others was overwhelming, powerful and very nice. It was an incredible positive result!

Back to the Library

And so I went to the library again. We didn’t have the Internet yet, and I got all the books I could find on hypnosis. Mr. IJsvogels advised me.

I read everything three to four times and immersed myself in everything there was to find about hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Later I studied the human psyche and was trained as a BCE therapist by neuropsychologist and psychology professor Jaap Tybout.

I graduated from this education with a degree.

A few years after that, it was time to gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.


I took the necessary education to become a certified clinical hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner at ITAN in 2006, where I obtained my American Board of Hypnotherapy / American Board of NLP (ABH/ABNLP) certifications. During this period, the idea for Multiliminal came to me and I founded the company.

My only passion since childhood has been to help people with hypnosis. The education I received at ITAN allowed me to finally realize my dream.

The Mother Company

In 2006 I started “Trancewerk”, a Dutch website, which I rebranded to “Multiliminal”, a few years later.

In the beginning I did live one-on-one sessions and group sessions. It went by storm. The power of word to mouth brought in far more clients than I could handle.

That’s how I discovered that the form of hypnotherapy I used also lent itself very well to being done through a CD. It worked just as well as live. Actually, it worked better, because sessions on CD had a number of advantages.

It was no longer necessary for people to visit me. They could now do the sessions at home and that meant they could listen to the sessions as often as they wanted.

They now only had to spend a small amount of money on a CD once and could use it to do the session as many times as they wanted.

So it was easier, more effective and above all cheaper, while the results improved! That way I could help more people and I no longer had to put people on the waiting list.

Global collaboration

In addition, from my area of expertise, I have partnerships with fellow American, Australian and English hypnotherapists and psychologists and Multiliminal now offers about 2500 different sessions.

The Internet has made everything even more simple and accessible. CDs have been replaced by MP3 downloads, allowing anyone to begin a session immediately.

The Multiliminal Technique

A few years after the first start, I learned that many people asked me if there were shorter versions of the sessions.

This led to the development of the Multiliminal® technique, that works much faster and does not use hypnosis anymore.

This was a groundbreaking improvement.

If you want to learn more about it, please go here.

What started as a dream at the age of 10, sparked by a hypnosis show on TV, has now become my life goal. And I am happy to be able to use my knowledge and expertise to help other people. Exactly what I always wanted!

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5 Responses

  1. Hello Michel,
    I just downloaded everything, but is it the intention that you actually listen to the night session at night, in bed?
    Do you have to follow the session 5 times a day?

    1. Hello Trudy, yes, a Night Session is indeed done at night. As soon as you go to bed to sleep you turn it on and you fall asleep with it.

  2. Hi Michel, due to a difficult period I came across your website on the advice of my hypnotherapist and I am using the session; falling asleep quickly. Since 2 weeks I fall asleep like a princess and I feel much more relaxed.

  3. Hi I’m janis 15 years old and really want to lose weight but can’t.I have a super hard time every time I want to start this can you help?

    1. Hi Janis, of course, I can help you with that. I would like to ask you to checkout HypnoSlim on this website. There you can download the HypnoSlim e-book for free.

      When you’ve read that, you will discover what the actual cause of obesity is and how you can easily (almost naturally) lose weight and stay slim for the rest of your life.

      You too can lose weight without dieting or other difficult things.

      By the way, I see that you are only 15, so I do want to advise you to discuss these things with your parents or caretakers as well!

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Hello Michel Lejeune, Almost four weeks ago, I received the course “Help with Diabetes” from you. I listened to this session for three weeks in



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